Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Proud Mommy

My parents got me a flip for graduation. I have used it a few times but I haven't posted any yet.
So here is Charli from last night. She rolled over from her back to her side. I missed it but here she is laying on her side.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This little one is officially three months old today. You wouldn't know it but she doesn't feel good today and is a big grump.

This is Charli's complaining face.

Charli was more interested in her hands than her first christmas ornament.
Charli with cousin Hadley, look they are holding hands.

This is Charli and her cousin Brooklyn.
I made a little tutu for Charli, isn't she sweet?
Bath time, Charli loves bath time.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Our cute little Charli girl

We blessed Charli on October 10. Mommy April made this dress for her, isn't it adorable?
The girls in Halloween costumes, aren't they so cute. Millie just can't help herself, she really wants to hold Charli.

I got lucky one Sunday after church and got a few pictures of Charli smiling.

We love our Charli girl and we just can't get enough of her. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Charli Kay

Charli was born September 1 at 7:48am. She weighed 8lbs. 3oz. 20 1/2 inches. We love her so much and think the world of her!Mommy April made the girls matching skirts for the BSU games. Go Broncos! Charli is no longer the youngest cousin! Eric and Misty had a baby girl. Brooklyn was born September 20th.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What we have been up to...

Holly burning her dental Hygiene grade sheets and awful memories
A typical grade sheet stating that my patient no-showed....again.

All of my dental hygiene papers ready to be put in the fire.

This is Jacob's new boat, Jacob, Rebecca, Marcie and Joe.

Jacob and Joe taking the maiden voyage...successful!

This is Charli's crib, I made the bed set myself. One of my projects so far this summer.

Jacob and I in Las Vegas, spending time at the pool.

After the Phantom of the Opera. It was a great show and we are happy that we went

Jacob and I waiting for the bus after going to the outlet malls in Las Vegas.

Dental Hygiene class of 2010

Marcie and Holly after ISU's graduation, yes we both rang that giant bell behind us.

Holly with her Mom and Dad after graduation.

I graduated from ISU in Dental Hygiene. We have been very busy and we are excited for Charli to make her arrival. Her expected due date is August 29. Thanks for looking.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas 2009

Christmas with the Velasquez Family, New Year's Day
This is a picture of Jacob on Christmas, though you probably can't see him because he is in his Christmas camo gear.

My mom helped Hilary and I make these aprons. They are completely adorable, but I have to warn you if you are thinking of making one, these took us four hours.

Jacob and I at our apartment very proud of our Christmas tree, and our ability to set the camera up and have Jacob run into the picture just in time.

Jacob with Santa at a house in Boise, this guy does a great job decorating his house for Christmas.

Earring club, gift exchange.

Jacob and I made this award winning Gingerbread house and this was the first one he had ever made, pretty good.

My brilliant husband won a speech contest back in November and got a cash prize of three hundred dollars. We were really excited that he won! A late Merry Christmas, Happy Thanksgiving and a Happy New Year, we do not have a working computer right now so that is why the pictures are late.