Christmas with the Velasquez Family, New Year's Day This is a picture of Jacob on Christmas, though you probably can't see him because he is in his Christmas camo gear.
My mom helped Hilary and I make these aprons. They are
completely adorable, but I have to warn you if you are thinking of making one, these took us four hours.
Jacob and I at our apartment very proud of our Christmas tree, and our ability to set the camera up and have J
acob run into the picture just in time.
Jacob with Santa at a house in Boise, this guy does a great job
decorating his house for Christmas.
Earring club, gift exchange.
Jacob and I made this award winning Gingerbread house and this was the first one he had ever made, pretty good.
My brilliant husband won a speech contest back in November and got a cash prize of three hundred dollars. We were really excited that he won! A late Merry Christmas, Happy Thanksgiving and a Happy New Year, we do not have a working computer right now so that is why the pictures are late.