Holly burning her dental Hygiene grade sheets and awful memories

A typical grade sheet stating that my patient no-showed....again.

All of my dental hygiene papers ready to be put in the fire.

This is Jacob's new boat, Jacob,
Rebecca, Marcie and Joe.

Jacob and Joe taking the maiden voyage...successful!

This is
Charli's crib, I made the bed set myself. One of my projects so far this summer.

Jacob and I in
Las Vegas, spending time at the pool.

After the Phantom of the
Opera. It was a great show and we are happy that we went

Jacob and I waiting for the bus after going to the outlet malls in
Las Vegas.

Dental Hygiene class of 2010

Marcie and Holly after
ISU's graduation, yes we both rang that giant bell behind us.

Holly with her Mom and Dad after graduation.

I graduated from
ISU in Dental Hygiene. We have been very busy and we are excited for
Charli to make her arrival. Her expected due date is August 29. Thanks for looking.